Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Infinite Ability’s Supported Independent Living Overview

Infinite Ability OfferSupported Independent Living (SIL) supports at Participant’s home or in our facilities.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is help and/or supervision of daily tasks to help participants live as independently as possible, while building their skills.

Infinite Ability provides high Quality supported accommodation services, helping people to achieve a better life.

Participant living in our SIL facility will receive supports with daily Living Activities.

Supports for Daily Activities, Daily planning Budgeting
Building skills to live autonomously
Learning to maintain a household tasks such as laundry and cleaning
Developing and maintaining connections with Family and friends

Infinite Ability partners with number of housing providers, including those building specialist accommodation.

SIL Vacancies

To find out our current SIL vacancies and personalized quote, please

contact us on 03 9088 1422 or


We Offer Supported independent living (SIL) and Short-Term Accommodation for NDIS participants

Infinite provides high quality supported accommodation services, helping people to achieve a better life. Our qualified staff are skilled at working with residents in one on one setting and shared housing setting. Infinite Ability partners with a number of housing providers, including those building Specialist Disability Accommodation and other community housing providers. We support residents to live the life fullest.

Infinite provides high quality supported accommodation services, helping people to achieve a better life. Our qualified staff are skilled at working with residents in one on one setting and shared housing setting. Infinite Ability partners with a number of housing providers, including those building Specialist Disability Accommodation and other community housing providers. We support residents to live the life fullest.


What support is available in a SIL home?


All Infinite Ability properties provide to you with a comfortable and secure home.

We will also support you with day-to-day tasks like:

  • Cleaning and laundry
  • Nutrition and cooking
  • Personal care such as showering and dressing.
  • Going to appointments
  • Taking medication
  • Taking up a hobby
  • Learning to catch public transport.
  • Assistance for daily routine and budgeting
  • Life skill development

Our Primary focus is to provide safe and quality supports to our participants in our care. We have accommodations to meet your short or long-term housing needs.
To find out Vacancies in our Properties for Short term Accommodation or Supported independent Living (SIL), please Contact on 03 9088 1422


What type of properties does Infinite Ability offer?

You can choose from a wide range of comfortable and secure shared homes.

We will work with you to find something that’s just right.

28 Gossia Avenue, Craigieburn

Beds Bathroom Car 2

Infinite Ability offers Range of Accommodation services to NDIS Participants. Our Primary focus is to provide safe and quality supports to our participants in our care. We have accommodations to meet your short or long-term housing needs. We offer Short term accommodation and Assistance, Medium term Accommodation and Supported Independent
Living (SIL). Give us a call on 03 9088 1422 to check Vacancies of our properties.

Some of its outstanding features includes:

  •  Master bedroom with WIR and unsuited
  •  Additional three good-sized bedrooms all with built in robes
  •  Central family bathroom
  •  Heating and cooling
  •  Formal lounge and additional living room
  •  Modern kitchen with stone benches, gas cooking and dishwasher
  •  Double lock-up garage with remote and internal access
  •  Improved Accessibility

It is within proximity to Craigieburn Central Shopping Centre, Splash Aqua Park Leisure center, Public transport.

Our qualified team will provide supports:

  •  To live independently and build your skills to take control of your day
  •  Individualized support to meet your need and suit your lifestyle
  •  Assistance for Activities of your interest
  •  Personal care support and Community access
  •  Managing your Dietary requirements
  •  Keeping you connected with important people of your life.
  •  Assistance for daily routine and budgeting.

6 Dorrigo Way, Wollert

Beds Bathroom Car 2

Infinite Ability offers Range of Accommodation services to NDIS Participants. Our Primary focus is to provide safe and quality supports to our participants in our care. We have accommodations to meet your short or long-term housing needs. We offer Short term accommodation and Assistance, Medium term Accommodation and Supported Independent Living (SIL). Give us a call on 03 9088 1422 to check Vacancies of our properties.
Some of its outstanding features includes:

  •  Master bedroom with WIR and ensuite
  •  Additional three good-sized bedrooms all with built in robes
  •  Central family bathroom
  •  Heating and cooling
  •  Formal lounge and additional living room
  •  Modern kitchen with stone benches, gas cooking and dishwasher
  •  Double lock-up garage with remote and internal access
  •  Improved Accessibility

It is within proximity to Pacific Epping Shopping Centre, Public transport. Our qualified team will provide supports:

  •  To live independently and build your skills to take control of your day
  •  Individualized support to meet your need and suit your lifestyle
  •  Assistance for Activities of your interest
  •  Personal care support and Community access
  •  Managing your Dietary requirements
  •  Keeping you connected with important people of your life.
  •  Assistance for daily routine and budgeting.

Request a Service

Request a service from infinite Ability or speak to our infinite ability care connect team with any questions you may have for yourself or the person you care for.

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