Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA)


Infinite Ability is a leading provider of disability accommodation services throughout Australia, supporting NDIS participants by providing safe and comfortable accommodation options that cater to their unique needs.

Our team of experienced professionals understands that choosing the right accommodation option is a critical step in achieving your goals and living life to the fullest. We offer a range of housing options across NSW, Victoria and Western Australia.

Looking for your own home with the care and support you need?

We are committed to providing safe and accessible accommodation options that cater to your unique needs.

  • Supported Independent Living – Live independently in a shared home with support for daily tasks and develop new skills.
  • Short Term Accommodation (STA) – Looking to try something new or cover for an unforeseen circumstance? Receive respite care in your home or for a short stay away.
  • Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) – Found your forever home but it’s not quite ready yet? Have a smooth transition in a warm and accessible accommodation while you wait.
  • Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) – Looking for a specialist, ‘built for you’ home and care to cater to your specific needs?

Infinite Ability also partners with number of housing providers, including those building Specialised Disability Accommodation and other community housing providers. We support you to live the life fullest.

How it works

Contact us

Reach out to our friendly team via phone, email or an enquiry form


Visit our Homes.

Come along with your Support Coordinator or representative to inspect the property.


Easy transition

Next, we will work closely with your support network to organise your transition.


Move In

And that’s its time to move into your new home and start a new journey.


Contact us today to explore our accommodation options and discuss how we can support you on your journey.

Request a Service

Request a service from infinite Ability or speak to our infinite ability care connect team with any questions you may have for yourself or the person you care for.

Get Support